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Mon - Fri: 9.00am - 7.00pm


The advantages of PVC Pipes used in the rack :

  • Odourless and hygienic
  • High Corrosion resistance The compartments are resistant to chemical, electrolytic and galvanic action, the pipes are free from corrosion.
  • High chemical resistance : Pipes offer excellent resistance to acids (peracetic acid, Formaldehyde), oxidizing agents, alkalis, oils and effluents.
  • Smooth bore : Pipes have mirror smooth inside surface and hence no bacterial growth inside the pipes
  • Longer lasting : Pipes used are free from weakness caused by scale formation, rusting, weathering and chemical action, they last for a life time

Dialyzer holder rack is made of PVC Particle board and PVC pipes. Each pipe or compartment can hold one dialyzer and one blood tubing set in 140mm ø & one dialyzer in 110mm ø. Each compartment is fitted with air tight PVC Cap with provision of labelling the patient details.

Specification of the rack

Size of the rack (Feet) Dia of Compartment (mm) No. of holders
4 x 4 140 ø

(One Dialyzer & one Blood tubing set)

4 x 3 30
2 x 2.6 12
4 x 4 110 ø

(One Dialyzer)

4 x 3 42
2 x 2.6 20
6 x 4 60
8 x 4 105


PVC Particle board is susceptible to any type of harsh chemicals and hence eliminates the problems of conventional racks (ply wood or steel racks).
